GLIL invests in M6toll as the new long-term partner alongside IFM Investors and Aleatica Group

“We are delighted to form a partnership with IFM and Aleatica, two experienced infrastructure investors with proven sustainability credentials.”

M6toll in the morning
GLIL invests in M6toll

23 January 2023

GLIL has acquired an indirect 25% interest in the M6toll concessionaire from a subsidiary of the IFM Global Infrastructure Fund (IFM GIF), advised by IFM Investors (together with IFM GIF, IFM). IFM GIF has been invested in M6toll since 2017 and will continue to indirectly own 75%.

The M6toll is a 27 mile (43 kilometre), dual three-lane carriageway near Birmingham, UK, which functions as a congestion relief road for the toll-free M6, and nearby A5, A38, and A446 roads. IFM is in the process of integrating M6toll into the increasingly global transportation infrastructure portfolio of the Aleatica Group.

In recent years, a number of strategic initiatives have been undertaken to improve the road for the motorists who use it every day and have contributed to the M6toll being named Britain’s best motorway among heavy vehicle drivers. This includes the Road Ahead capital programme, which will see investments in digital technologies to maintain the road as a world class tolling system, enhance the user experience, and improve time efficiencies throughout the toll network.

The M6toll is committed to being a leader in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) matters and has already realised material reductions in carbon emissions, operational safety improvements, and meaningful community engagement, in alignment with Aleatica’s core strategic pillars.

Lee Belfield, investment lead at GLIL Infrastructure, said:

“We are delighted to form a partnership with IFM and Aleatica, two experienced infrastructure investors with proven sustainability credentials. For GLIL Investors, the M6toll offers long-term, asset-backed cash flows and further diversifies the portfolio into road infrastructure, an essential part of UK economic growth.”

Joaquin Gago, Europe Regional Director at Aleatica, said:

“We warmly welcome GLIL Infrastructure as our partner in this vital piece of UK infrastructure. As we seek to grow our portfolio of assets in Europe, we look forward to benefitting from the expertise of long-term infrastructure investors, such as IFM and GLIL, over the coming years as we support the extensive capital programme for M6toll to the benefit of all motorists.”

GLIL invests in M6toll as the new long-term partner alongside IFM Investors and Aleatica Group

GLIL has acquired an indi­rect 25% inter­est in the M6toll con­ces­sion­aire from a sub­sidiary of the IFM Glob­al Infra­struc­ture Fund (IFM GIF), advised by IFM Investors (togeth­er with IFM GIF, IFM). IFM GIF has been invest­ed in M6toll since 2017 and will con­tin­ue to indi­rect­ly own 75%.

The M6toll is a 27 mile (43 kilo­me­tre), dual three-lane car­riage­way near Birm­ing­ham, UK, which func­tions as a con­ges­tion relief road for the toll-free M6, and near­by A5, A38, and A446 roads. IFM is in the process of inte­grat­ing M6toll into the increas­ing­ly glob­al trans­porta­tion infra­struc­ture port­fo­lio of the Aleat­i­ca Group.

In recent years, a num­ber of strate­gic ini­tia­tives have been under­tak­en to improve the road for the motorists who use it every day and have con­tributed to the M6toll being named Britain’s best motor­way among heavy vehi­cle dri­vers. This includes the Road Ahead cap­i­tal pro­gramme, which will see invest­ments in dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies to main­tain the road as a world class tolling sys­tem, enhance the user expe­ri­ence, and improve time effi­cien­cies through­out the toll network.

The M6toll is com­mit­ted to being a leader in Envi­ron­men­tal, Social, and Gov­er­nance (ESG) mat­ters and has already realised mate­r­i­al reduc­tions in car­bon emis­sions, oper­a­tional safe­ty improve­ments, and mean­ing­ful com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment, in align­ment with Aleatica’s core strate­gic pillars.

Lee Belfield, invest­ment lead at GLIL Infra­struc­ture, said:

We are delight­ed to form a part­ner­ship with IFM and Aleat­i­ca, two expe­ri­enced infra­struc­ture investors with proven sus­tain­abil­i­ty cre­den­tials. For GLIL Investors, the M6toll offers long-term, asset-backed cash flows and fur­ther diver­si­fies the port­fo­lio into road infra­struc­ture, an essen­tial part of UK eco­nom­ic growth.”

Joaquin Gago, Europe Region­al Direc­tor at Aleat­i­ca, said:

We warm­ly wel­come GLIL Infra­struc­ture as our part­ner in this vital piece of UK infra­struc­ture. As we seek to grow our port­fo­lio of assets in Europe, we look for­ward to ben­e­fit­ting from the exper­tise of long-term infra­struc­ture investors, such as IFM and GLIL, over the com­ing years as we sup­port the exten­sive cap­i­tal pro­gramme for M6toll to the ben­e­fit of all motorists.”